I'm so sorry , I love you
result saya so-so je
ibu : boleh lagi dyer gelak result dah camtu !!!
saya : adoi ~!!
errr ... so, saya nak ucap tahniah la kat member2 sayer yang dapat straight A's tuh..
korang memang aq dah expect dapat straight pon .. sbenarnye ader certain tu aq terkezut gak , sebab dyorg blaja maen2 jer depan saya .... entah2 ... diorang .... diorang tu ... hahaha, guwau sajer !
member-member dan saudara-saudara saya pon pelik sebab saya lepak je~
LEPAKKK ~ lalalalalalalalalalala~
LEPAKKKK ~ haaaaaaaaaaauuunnn~
LEPAKKKKK ~ fufufufufufufufufufufufufu~
tapi sebenarnye ..... di dalam ... saya macam ni ... macam ni dan ni ..
maaf la keluargaku sebab dah menghampakan kalian ~
SPM nanti saya akan buat betul-betul ! Sungguh !
Saya admit tahun ini ialah tahun maen saya .. maen !!
dan saya tak belajar dalam tahap maksimum ... ...
maaf sangat untuk tu ....
angah janji kat papa ngan ibu nak belajar rajin2 f4 nih ...
and ....
Super Junior oppa, mianhae ..
this is not oppas fault , its mine ....
and I've decide to stop following you guys ...
but just until I finish with my SPM ~ ( yeah rite )
sebelum masa tu sampai maybe I'll miss your new songs,
saya takkan tengok variety show yg oppa pergi ~
saya tak kan tau latest news pasal oppa lagi ..
YOSH ! I know that I can do it !!!!
so..., byebye oppa !!
. . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
errrrrrrrrrr .......... susah nie ..
tengoklah cmner ek ..
Assalamualaikum ~~~~!
TikTokTikTok ..., it's result day o_o
esok 22 December ....
yes.., tomorrow is PMR results's day ..
and to tell you the truth ...,
I feel nothing ..
I don't feel scare, nervous , or frightened or scare or .. nervous or frightened .. or scare ??
Saya pon tak tahu kenapa !
Kawan2 yang laen cuak gilewWWW kot !
tapi saya macam " huh ? result ? ape tu ? bile ? "
bukan patotnyer sayer nervous macam ni ke ?? kan ? ke x senang dudok cam ni
hahaha.., okay ..
Saya rasa saya dah buat yang the best waktu PMR .., ( awak x nampak camtu ? Saya yang buat, saya tau laa! )
waktu exam maths plak saya tiber2 demam .. alamak .. risau ..
kalau tak dapat ape yang saya nak ..... hurm .... sedih. ...
but it doesn't mean the ends of the world .. kan? kan?
tapi kalau dapat .... ouh yea alhamdulillah laa .... FLY TO SEOUL !!
SO,, to all the 96's .., I wish you all a very good luck for tomorrow ...,
and to all my friend , no matter what kind of results we'll get ..,
let's stay our friendship forever .. yea ?
and to my family ........................... sayang kamu semua ! Doakan budak kecik nie yea !!
akhir kata , saya mohon maaf andai silap kata , susun sepuluh jari segala ..,
assalamualaikum ~!!
You & I -IU-
The more I am pushed, the better
HOW DARE YOU, kawan..
orang penat2 nak cover awak dalam blog nie..
awak pulak tulis blog yang memang obviously ditujukan untuk saya .. =="
apelaa awak nie ..
marah pasal benda laen sayer plak yang kena ??
NGOK NGEK sungguh kamu ..
awak memang salah semalam .,, awak sedar tak ?
yess.., saya memang <3 sj tahap gaban gila-gila mati ..
tapi mak saya tak kecewa kat saya pasal tu
ayah saya tak terasa hati ngan saya ..
mak saya tak nanges sebab saya :)
at least saya tak sampai tahap 'D*****a' ..
hmm... saya x nak laa sebot ..,
tapi bila saya kenangkan balik camner awak kutuk saya gile2 ..
saya rase cam nak sebot gak ape yang awak dah buat .. =)
mesti ramai orang terkejut bacer ^^ terutama yang warne OREN tu
follower blog sayer mesti akan ader 1386 orang =P ( macam frens awak kat fb )
ke dah lebih ?? lalalalalala
saya akui laa.. dalam famili saya..,
saya x pandai sangat kalau nak dibandingkan yang lain .. ^^
awak memang sangat bijak ,, saya kagum dengan awak pasal tu =)
jadik gunakan laa otak yang bijak tu untuk paham sebab sesuatu itu berlaku ^^
jangan tendang2 lif pasal mende2 kecik , wahai orang yang lagi bijak dari saya
sedih nyee ..
after knowing you for 15 years ..
I thought I knew you so well ..
TT__TT sedihh ~ sedihh ~
nak nanges ...
*dah tak tahu nak tulis apeeee*
saya tak tahu camner nak kutuk2 awak laa ..
hebatnyer awak dapat buat ayat yang pedas kat dalam blog awak..
saya harap saya pon boleh buat ayat sepedas itu ..
hmm.. tu je laa ..
Assalamualaikum, kawan !
that man ,that woman ..
saya : mesti dulu-dulu waktu ibu ngan papa baru kenal papa kasik ibu bunga ... ^^
Ibu : =_= heh ,, angah , papa angah bukan lah jenis orang yang romantik camtu ..
Saya : eeh ? Papa tak pernah kasik bunga ??
Ibu : takde nye ... *buat muke kecewa*
pastu papa tiber2 ambik bakul bunga hiasan ibu pastu hulurkan kat ibu . hahaha !
( waktu tu papa senyum sweet sangat ! too bad, I'm far away from them that time -kt dapur )
well .., my dad memang jenis yang tak tunjuk sangat kalau dier sayang kat someone ..
ader laa 1-2 anak papa yang ikot perangai tu ..
for me , my mom n dad's love story is the most sempoii !!
hahaha !
I hope they will be togather forever and that those two will meet in jannah .., Amin ..
I don't care , mianhae =P
meowww~~ >< keep being with me !
a shocking truth about us !!
What psychologist says about kpop fans....
A psychologist says: “Don’t underestimate those children who chase after Korean celebrities, their hearts are purer than anyone else, they love courageously, they will want to try their best to tackle difficult obstacles, the language and cultural barriers. They symbolise peace, they don’t discriminate based on race, they befriend people with the same interest from different countries, they’re more passionate and warm than anyone else. They don’t betray the ones they like easily, they are persistent and don’t give up easily. They are stronger than anyone else on the inside, because when they are loving these Japanese/Korean stars, they experience the setbacks they’ve never experienced in life. They are all sensitive children, easily touched to tears for a long time because of one incident.
Through investigation, most of them understand gratitude. Their way of thinking is different from others, they don’t easily get carried away by love, they don’t harbour thoughts of doing bad things, and their criteria when looking for a partner is very high, other than looks, personality is more important, so the rate of marriage isn’t high, but neither is the rate of divorce.
Their memory is very good, they can easily remember the Korean lyrics they don’t understand, and their coordination skills are also very strong. Most of them are cheerful children, not the kind who keep to themselves. Their will of determination is also very strong, they are able to persevere all the way just to buy something related to the celebrity they like.
In short, the way these children think is vastly different from others, and their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world and understand it.
hehehehe ... *kembang idong* .. see dat ?? hehehehe ..
dier cakap 'their hearts are purer than anyone else' ...
dier cakap 'they don't betray the one they like easily' ..
dier cakap, bukan alya ! *blink,blink* *innocent,innocent*
so, haters ! stop kutuk-kutuk k-pop fans , no offence okay ??!!
peace ~!
assalamualaikum !
a SPECIAL post for him ..
V.I.U [ Very Important U ]
- Fatin Raihan - mula-mula saya ingat dia tak suka saya .. ( dia suka jeling saya ) .. tapi bila dah lama-lama kenal ..., SAYA SAYANG DIA ^^ Rai, tolong la bersabar dengan perangai gila-gila aku nie , ea?
- Nur'Ain - Saya kenal dia thanks to K-pop ! hahaha ! Mula-mula hubungan kitorang sekadar kwan se K-POP je, tapi lama-lama.., saya anggap dia macam kakak saya .. ^^ Dia sangat care pasal saya, thanks, Unnie ..
- Siti Nur Ezzaty - Murid baru dalam 3C .. (saya ada tulis pasal dia dalam blog ni ) dia sangat mengilan-ngilan ( certain orang je akan paham ) saya maybe selalu act macam saya tak suka awak, tapi awak tetap kawan yang sya sangat perlukan , okay?
- Nur Syahidah - Syidot !! Masa baru kenal dia, saya sangat takut dengan dia , sebab jelingan dia sangat tajam .. [*.*] tapi .. dia sangat best dan dila - gila .. ^^ kalau act kau act randomly kan, cDOT .., COMEL !! jangan stress2 blaja, keyh ?