hurm ... harini 21 December ... ^^
esok 22 December ....
yes.., tomorrow is PMR results's day ..
and to tell you the truth ...,
I feel nothing ..
I don't feel scare, nervous , or frightened or scare or .. nervous or frightened .. or scare ??
Saya pon tak tahu kenapa !
Kawan2 yang laen cuak gilewWWW kot !
tapi saya macam " huh ? result ? ape tu ? bile ? "
bukan patotnyer sayer nervous macam ni ke ?? kan ? ke x senang dudok cam ni
hahaha.., okay ..
Saya rasa saya dah buat yang the best waktu PMR .., ( awak x nampak camtu ? Saya yang buat, saya tau laa! )
waktu exam maths plak saya tiber2 demam .. alamak .. risau ..
kalau tak dapat ape yang saya nak ..... hurm .... sedih. ...
but it doesn't mean the ends of the world .. kan? kan?
tapi kalau dapat .... ouh yea alhamdulillah laa .... FLY TO SEOUL !!
SO,, to all the 96's .., I wish you all a very good luck for tomorrow ...,
and to all my friend , no matter what kind of results we'll get ..,
let's stay our friendship forever .. yea ?
and to my family ........................... sayang kamu semua ! Doakan budak kecik nie yea !!
akhir kata , saya mohon maaf andai silap kata , susun sepuluh jari segala ..,
assalamualaikum ~!!