Miss You ~

Fatin Raihan ~~~ Onion Head Emoticons 44 sedih doe bacer blog kau ...,
aku pon nak straight to the point gak ..., AKU RINDU KAU GILAKK !!

Onion Head Emoticons 75aku tak tau pulak kau yang blur nie boleh sampai nak nanges plak bacer blog giler aku nieyy ...haritu aq punyer la rindu kau , aq call kau , kau jawab .., kau jawab macam blur blur giler ! macam '' err.., saper kau ..., err .., aq kenal kau ke ?? ''  taw x ??!! berguling-guling aq kat dorm, tak keruan dibuatnyer lepas tu .., aku pikir '' Rai x rindu akuuuu ~~ ''   '' aku jer sorang yang rindu dieeee ''  cara kau jawab macam baru jumpe aq sesaat lepas !!   lepas aq letak telefon tu .., aq macam ''ERRR ... ????'' taw x??  

anyway , pasal blog kau ~ jangan la wat touching weyy .., Ahad ni aku nak balik STAD da kott .., kalau korang ( okayla.., kau jer ) sedih2 camni berat hati aku nak balik .. kau tau sebab aku pergi kan ? I want to be at the same level as you and the others ... I don't want to be left out    ^^

Kau ajak aku keluar lepak ?? kat mner ? Kat mner ? aku on jewp .. tapi ..., parents aku ..
Onion Head Emoticons 30

boleh kot .... kot ???  

weyh .., kau panggil budak tu masok line kau ngan budak tu rapat gak =P  haah en, teringat waktu setiap kali budak tu tarik tangan aq, kau jeling dyer pastu tolak dia ..,hahahahahahaha .. korang nampak jer cam musuh tapi aku tau korang rapat =) so korang dua orang jage each other untuk aku aww !!

Rai , Rai, Rai !! kau cayer tak , kat sini kan, homework aku sentiasa siap kot !! pastu kan , kan, kan , adik-adik kat dorm aku semua suker tengok lukisan aku ! ape lagi eak .... urm ... hah ! Matematik ! aku da start nak suker dah ! Sejarah pon ! dulu kan kau kater kiter kena suke sesuatu subjek baru cepat faham , en ? en ?
hahaha ^^

macam yang kau nampak dan dengar la, life aq kat sini baik2 sahaje ~ sini ramai budak comel kott ! ader sorang tu muke lagi hensem dari mamat LK tahun lepas tuh =P hahaha !

kalau ader paper story nanti aq call @ text kau ~ kau jangan jawab dalam keadaan blur blur pulak !! hahaha

friends forever aww ??!

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I'm sorry, but I just HATE YOU so much ...,

>.< you know what ?
there's a new girl at my school ..; my new classmate ,
her name ? Let's just call her 'WaNi' ..
my first impression about her is very bad, ya know ??!
I just don't like to see this person , I don't know why , I just did ..

'' I wouldn't talk to her until after recess .. ''  <----- My Brilliant Plan at that moment

but .., just after I've made up that brilliant plan, My brilliant friend, Fitrah Bt Abdul Majid ...GREETED her .., friendly and nicely ~

Fitrah : Hai ~!! Dari mana ? Duduk Asrama jugak ? blablabla ..

and I was like ....  " WhatDAAA !!!! "

yeah, I've always know how friendly Fitrah is .., but to be friendly with that bad-first-impression girl ...
I can't help it but to curse Fitrah's  friendliness ..

and as expected ..., she joined us on recess .. ouh crap ...
as we eat , we saw this thing and dat thing and we laugh at this person and that person ...,

THEN SUDDENLY .. WaNI open her mouth ...

WaNI : Aku tak suker sial minah tu macm #$@!#^ !! Aku rasa macam nak %$#@ je minah tuh !! #$%#^ giler !!

all of us became SPEEEEEECHLESSS ,,,
WE WERE LIKE .. '' what was she sayin ????????? ''

treats discovered !!! SHE'S A GIRL WITH NO MANNER !!!! and, and, SHE GOT BAD MOUTH !!!!
and and ......, SHE .... is also a PLAYER !!!

WaNI : aq rase aq nak carik boyfren la kat sini , senang sikit, ape2 ader BACKUP .. aq da ader 2 balak da kat luar ..

All Of Us : ( 2 BALAKKKKKK ??? )  beh tu buat ape nak tambah satu lagi ..

WaNI : sajer .., alah kalau dapat pon, aq nak GAME je ngan mamat tuh ..

again .., we became speeeeeeeeeeeeeechless ...

gila la weyy !! 2 boyfriends already ??!! I don't even have one !!!! (>.<)
but wait ..., if she ,, that kind of girl got a boyfriend .., they must be .... the bad-bad boys type ??

- with skinny types of body
- jenis pakai seluar ketat ( eww )
- got discipline problem
- got bad mouth ( too )
- most time spends with friend (hang out )
- and so on (watch movies to find out more bout bad boy , malay movies )

of course !! They must be like that !! *chuckles* then it's no more surprising .. = ) 

this WaNI is seriously got no ambition in life .., every single day ,, she just talks about guys , Girls she annoyed with , Guys, Girls she's annoyed with, and guys , and girls she's annoyed with ... SHE EVEN SLEEPS IN CLASS !!!to  make it worst, She's ruining ASPURI's (ASrama PUteRI ) name !!

I HATE HERRRRRRRRRRRR ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but of course sometimes she do make me laugh ^^
but to like her because of that ( ONLY THAT ) is so so impossible ..
I'm so sorry WaNI .., even though you said you'll try to change , but I just can't see you trying ..
let's just stay in the same group , and just that ~
we really got no chemistry = )

so that's it ..,

2012 is a brand new start ^^

erm.., Assalamualaikum !!
it's 2012 already ( Ya Allah, baru sekarang nak tulis pasal 2012 .. )
and yeah , Me is now 16 !!!

know what ? 16 is always the perfect age for a shoujo girl dalam komik ~
so, biler da masok 16 nieyh ... aq pon cam Onion Head Emoticons 125 '' aq da enam belas ~~~ <3 "

yeay !!!


so, my this year .., I change school ..
no more SMK TTDI Jaya but ...


well,, yeah, saya duduk asrama sekarang ~ erm.. Ia agak seronok sebenarnye ,
walaupun kiter berjauhan dengan keluarga dan segala .., kat sini saya lebih berdikari ~
dudok di dorm B3 bersama 2 orang dax form 4 , 2 org dax form 3 , 4 orang dax form 2 , and 3 orang dax form 1 .., dorm kami da cukop chaos =)

my new group member there :  -Fitrah

but of course , they can't be compare with my friends kat TTDI .., Onion Head Emoticons 82 ouh,rindu mereka ..

group baru  ini ,, sangat nakal, you know , even the wardens AIM us ... ^^
we just can't help it but laughing out loud everywhere we go =) Onion Head Emoticons 79


What about school ??!!

study ? I'm just fine with it , I complete all my homework so far .., tak pernah tak siap ( really, sounds really like NOT ME !!! )
Bio ?? It's HALF-KILLING me Onion Head Emoticons 92 ..,but along said mula-mula jer ,, lama2 okay ..
AddMath ?  cikgu pon baru sekali masok, xleh judge paper lagi ...
Fizik ?? ............... CIKGU DIER MEMBOSANKAN !!!!! Onion Head Emoticons 56 belajar ngan along lagi paham *thanks along =)

and the rest ? pon okay ^^


what about -------------------------------- love ??!!
well ..., *blushing,blushing Onion Head Emoticons 91
so far , xder lagi yang serious , just suker tengok jewp
hehehehek .., ehehehe .. hihihih .., Onion Head Emoticons 34 ( ??? )


homesick tak ?
TAK LANGSONG !! hahahahahahaha !
tapi ader la tyme aku pikir sal ibu, papa ngan adek2 kat umah , menitik gak la air mata nie =)
what to do , I've live with them all through my life up till now ^^


aq baru tinggal kat situ 2 minggu, so takder la banyak sangat story nak share =)
next tyme, i'll bring you the hottest story from Asrama SMK TUNKU AMPUAN DURAH , okay ??

Assalamualaikum ~~~~~~~~~
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