a shocking truth about us !!

Assalamualaikum readers !
today waktu saya on saya ternampak satu post yang kawan saya, Farah Nabillah,
kawan saya tu post satu .. well,, kind of article about what psychologist said about k-pop fans.

Bila saya bacer tajuk post tu saya terkezut jugak kot ,,
saya fikir masa tu .. '' ahli-ahli psikologi ni xder mende laen nak kaji kah?? "

selepas habis 'terkejut' ,
saya pun sambung baca isi-isi article itu ...
and ..

this is what i've read :

What psychologist says about kpop fans....

A psychologist says: “Don’t underestimate those children who chase after Korean celebrities, their hearts are purer than anyone else, they love courageously, they will want to try their best to tackle difficult obstacles, the language and cultural barriers. They symbolise peace, they don’t discriminate based on race, they befriend people with the same interest from different countries, they’re more passionate and warm than anyone else. They don’t betray the ones they like easily, they are persistent and don’t give up easily. They are stronger than anyone else on the inside, because when they are loving these Japanese/Korean stars, they experience the setbacks they’ve never experienced in life. They are all sensitive children, easily touched to tears for a long time because of one incident.

Through investigation, most of them understand gratitude. Their way of thinking is different from others, they don’t easily get carried away by love, they don’t harbour thoughts of doing bad things, and their criteria when looking for a partner is very high, other than looks, personality is more important, so the rate of marriage isn’t high, but neither is the rate of divorce.

Their memory is very good, they can easily remember the Korean lyrics they don’t understand, and their coordination skills are also very strong. Most of them are cheerful children, not the kind who keep to themselves. Their will of determination is also very strong, they are able to persevere all the way just to buy something related to the celebrity they like.

In short, the way these children think is vastly different from others, and their thoughts are not easy to understand. Generally, only those who have similar interests are able to enter their world and understand it.

hehehehe ... *kembang idong* .. see dat ?? hehehehe ..

dier cakap 'their hearts are purer than anyone else' ...

dier cakap 'they don't betray the one they like easily' ..

dier cakap, bukan alya ! *blink,blink* *innocent,innocent*

so, haters ! stop kutuk-kutuk k-pop fans , no offence okay ??!!

peace ~!

ELFs !!
always 13elieve in them ~!!

assalamualaikum !
babai ~!!

a SPECIAL post for him ..

Hello guys ~!
today is 8th November 2011 !
It is 'his' birthday ~ ^^
The most adorable boy I ever met in my life !
yup,, my dongsaeng ( adik ) punya birthday ,,


aww ~
Adik kakak sudah 7 tahun !!
kakak sangat happy ~ (><)
should kakak sing happy birthday song to you?

'Happy birthday to you~'
'Happy birthday to you~'
'Happy birthday to my baby dongsaeng~'
'Happy birthday to you~!! '

**tepok tangan ~
you may blow the candle now~~

so, kakak wish you a happy birthday, may Allah bless you,
Please keep being an adorable dongsaeng ,
don't cry easily , be strong , be mature !
keep being naughty , kakak like you that way ~
study hard , you smart little boy !
you can do it ! okay?

Really adik kakak ..,
Thank you for being with kakak when kakak need you ! ^^
Kakak really appreciate itu , haha .
walaupun kadang-kadang kakak pelok ketat sangat adik never stop me from hugging you!
and kakak sometimes treats you like you're my little sister .., sorry for that ~
Thanks for being patient to kakak (^__^)

-sorry adik kakak, but you do look cute =P -

Adik kakak ,,
If kakak can, kakak wouldn't ever want adik kakak to grow up ,
because as you get older, you starts to listen to your friends more than me,
You will run away when i want to give you 'popo' ,(kiss <3 )
You will avoid my hug ,
( your abang Alief is a great example )

Kakak is so scare laa ..,
can't you stay just like this forever ?
because kakak will need your hug when kakak in hard times ,
Kakak also want to sleep beside you when you're asleep ,
watching you sleep , kakak prays for your better future ..,
of course , your future , there will be you, Papa, mama , along , kakak , and your abang alief !

There are so many thing kakak want to do with you ~!
Kakak want to pick you up from your high school ~! (if kakak not busy that time )
Kakak want to bring you to SUSHI KING ! (kakak has promised you ,kan? )
Kakak want to cheer you up on your sports day ! (only if you participate )
Kakak want to secretly read your message .. =P (hehehehe)
also, kakak want to hug you tightly on your graduation day !
( kakak don't want to say anything about wedding, etc. . IT'S HURTS (TT__TT) )

anyway Adik kakak ,
kakak always thought that our 8 years age difference is just too much ,
but when kakak think about it back ,
8 years is perfect ,
so while your other siblings busy studying ,
You can accompanies and entertains our parents .. ^^
but still, you're 7 now ..,
next year you'll be in standard 2 !

also ,
remember okay, adik kakak ..,
please be stronger so you can protect our family , yess , our beautiful family !
Please take every advice that we gave to you seriously , (you always plays around)
Please don't play alone , it's hurts kakak when kakak saw you playing alone at your school padang,
Please continue being someone that care about kakak, someone that always support kakak in my k-pop stuffs , (really , really, really thank you for this one !! )
Please stop use informal language to Abang Alief ,
Please don't skip your meal , you'll look abnormal ,
Please start calling me KAKAK instead of KATTAK , (_ _")
Please study hard in English , as that's the only way for you to understand things that i've wrote here..., (no worry , kakak will keep this blog for few years )
Please be with kakak and our family for the rest of our life !!

- NEVER plays alone , okay ?! -

itu sahaja kata-kata kakak untuk adik kakak ~
finally ..

- 3 of you , my SUPERHERO -

- you and kakak , <3 okay? -


( .^^) 정말 동생을 사랑 해요! (^^. )

V.I.U [ Very Important U ]

persekolahan bagi sesi 2011 dah nak sampai ke penghujungnya... >.<
Ape saya rasa?
erm... of course, lega dah habis sekolah, but..,
Bosan laa .., kena berpisah ngan kawan-kawan .. =(

to all my classmates ,, 3 Cemerlang !
dah banyak benda kita go through togather-gather ~
erm .. (okay, it's getting sad )
mula-mula, masa saya baru masok 3c saya takut sungguh,
sebab saya ingat 3C nie kelas 'BELAJAR'.. ( paham tak?? )
tapi rupa-rupanya...... hmmph!!

tapi saya suka ....
Syahmie yang kecik tp bising ,
Muaz yang ber IQ tinggi tapi jarang belajar, asyik maen game jee..,
Saiful yang asyik menyibok maser kitorang ngah lepak ,
Yasmin, Raisha, Farahin yang selalu randomly menyanyi kuat2..
Maryam yang asyik tambah-tambah fakta (yg xder dalam silibus) sampai buat orang pening..
Hanun dengan gelak adorable dyer .. ^^

Tahun ni saya kenal dan rapat dengan ramai orang baru ..
  • Fatin Raihan - mula-mula saya ingat dia tak suka saya .. ( dia suka jeling saya ) .. tapi bila dah lama-lama kenal ..., SAYA SAYANG DIA ^^ Rai, tolong la bersabar dengan perangai gila-gila aku nie , ea?
  • Nur'Ain - Saya kenal dia thanks to K-pop ! hahaha ! Mula-mula hubungan kitorang sekadar kwan se K-POP je, tapi lama-lama.., saya anggap dia macam kakak saya .. ^^ Dia sangat care pasal saya, thanks, Unnie ..
  • Siti Nur Ezzaty - Murid baru dalam 3C .. (saya ada tulis pasal dia dalam blog ni ) dia sangat mengilan-ngilan ( certain orang je akan paham ) saya maybe selalu act macam saya tak suka awak, tapi awak tetap kawan yang sya sangat perlukan , okay?
  • Nur Syahidah - Syidot !! Masa baru kenal dia, saya sangat takut dengan dia , sebab jelingan dia sangat tajam .. [*.*] tapi .. dia sangat best dan dila - gila .. ^^ kalau act kau act randomly kan, cDOT .., COMEL !! jangan stress2 blaja, keyh ?
well .., hehehe ..
*lap air mata* =P haha ,, kidding2 ..
thanks la korang , da buat idopp aku serunuk tahun ni !!
AKU SAYANG KORANG TAHAP COKELAT !!! okey ?? *pelok ketet-ketat*

hanun , i'm gonna miss you sayang~

hazirah ,, thanks for the K-drama !

Raihan , Hannah , hope kita masok kelas bio sama2..

yup, mereka cool..

Aww ,, the one that will scold me if i do wrong, thank you so much, Amalina !

YESS.., Raihan, Atiqah, Amalina.. <3

let's forever being this way, okay ?

rakan seperjuangan ! FIGHTING!

- the end -

Q & A with MISS SIMPLE (i)

sebab saya tak tau nak tulis pasal ape, saya buat Q&A jelah ~
1,2,3..START!! O(>.<)O

Q : most favorite colour
A : Black, White, Dark purple .. gothic loli~ <3

Q : most favorite food?
A : ... food? not foods? *in dilemma* ..

Q : the person you love the most.
A : ... I love my family ~ >,<

Q : the person you can't live without
A : Nabi Adam & hawa .. without them, i won't be here.. ^^

Q : Your best friend?
A : Amalina Izzati, Fatin Raihan , Nurulhazirah, Nur'Ain !! they are rock!

Q : if you feel sad, you..
A : listen to sad k-ballad song, then i'll cry, after that i'll face the mirror and act in melodrama. [after that, I'll laugh myself like crazy, TRY IT! ]

Q : your thoughts about opposite gender?
A : they're complex .. ^^ but their friendship is more genuine than girls.. [i learnt this from SUJU]

Q : If you have 5.5 million in your account, you will..?
A : my life would't be at peace... seriously.. =_="

Q : you tend to hate every girl that your brother likes.., reason?
A : I never hate them ..[ =( ] I'll like them more if they can approach me and make me feel comfortable with them.. ^^

Q : You enjoys learning about...
A : things related to other country like their languages and their traditions! ><

Q : best song to lift up your spirits ?
A : ..the best 3..
Q : song that makes you cry like crazy?
A : ..the best 3
  1. super junior K.R.Y -coagulation
  2. Super Junior - in my dream
  3. Yesung (suju) - it should be you
Q : the country that you'd like to visit?
A : Japan, Korea, China , .. .. Philippines also! [i want to go to Quezon city & Manilla]

Q : thing that you enjoys to do recently.
A : try to cry [with no reason] within 30 seconds .., [ my best record is 27 seconds]

Q : thing that you just discovered?
A : life is great though ..

Q : your weird habits?
A : i like to laugh without reason .., [ laugh without reason is the REASON i laugh harder]

Q : You are now..
A : sitting in front my PC ,, waiting for my family to come back home .. [they left me home alone]

Q : best drama you've watched ?
A : Secret Garden , My Girlfriend is a GUMIHO .

Q : best movie you've watched?
A : Baby and me

Q : time that you feels lonely ?
A : .... I like being alone most of the time

Q : Your ideal man?
A : trying to find a man with your ideal type is quite ridiculous .., the person that you truly like is your ideal type.. ^^

Q : Your current dilemma?
A : the 2nd question.., should i write all the food i like?because there's too many food i like..

Q : When do you think yourself as pretty?
A : when i smile naturally .. ONLY

Q : behavior when you get angry?
A : I ignore everyone .. hehehe

Q : When you are the happiest ?
A : ... I don't know which moment is the HAPPIEST .. they feels the same.. o__o but i laugh the most when i watch SUJU SHOW.. [ they're just crazy ]

Q : things that always happen to you?
A : when i was talking, but then other person cut my line, or interrupt .. I hate it ..

Q : You feel angry the most when ..
A : I did everything , but then they said i'm useless ..